访问 Bing 国际版
在国内访问 https://bing.com 会自动跳转到 https://cn.bing.com,直接访问国际版网站 https://global.bing.com 也会被跳转。

但可以通过指定 url 参数,通过 https://global.bing.com/?mkt=en-us 访问国际版 Bing 而不会跳转,其中 mkt 参数表示 market,即必应搜索提供的市场区域,根据需求也可设置成其他值,例如 ja-JP 等,微软在官方文档中对这一参数解释如下:

The market where the results come from. Typically, mkt is the country where the user is making the request from. However, it could be a different country if the user is not located in a country where Bing delivers results. The market must be in the form-<country/region>. For example, en-US. The string is case insensitive. For a list of possible market values, see Market codes.

NOTE: If known, you are encouraged to always specify the market. Specifying the market helps Bing route the request and return an appropriate and optimal response. If you specify a market that is not listed in Market codes, Bing uses a best fit market code based on an internal mapping that is subject to change.

To know which market Bing used, get the BingAPIs-Market header in the response.

This parameter and the cc query parameter are mutually exclusive — do not specify both.


浏览器 版本
Edge 98.0.1108.56
Chrome 98.0.4758.102
Firefox 97.0.1

在弹出的窗口里,网址格式一项中填写 https://global.bing.com/search?q=%s&mkt=en-US,其余两项根据需求填写



点击添加,在最后一栏处填写 https://global.bing.com/search?q=%s&mkt=en-US

添加完成后,在上一级页面中,将” 在地址栏中使用的搜索引擎 “的值,设置成刚刚添加的 Bing 引擎

最新版的 Firefox 浏览器不支持直接添加搜索引擎,因此需要通过安装插件的方式。

访问 Mycroft Project

在 Internet 一节中,找到 bing global,点击插件名字,打开新页面

在打开的页面中,右键点击地址栏,选择添加"Bing Global"

在设置→搜索→默认搜索引擎中,选择刚刚添加的”Bing Global“
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